I’ve spent most of the hours I’ve worked on the project today on the roofs of the buildings. I started doing that in Maya, modelling them in such a way that they are good enough to be turned into high-poly, then baked and textured. I’ll add more detail on them before I do that of course, but its nice to finally see them in and realise what silhouettes the buildings create.
And here is a GIF:
They are really smooth and lack any tiling mainly because I imagine them to be from wood. The reference I am looking at in this case, is the Izumo Taisha Shrine:
I’ll replicate the texture in Substance Designer later on use it on the roofing. My only consideration is that they might be left looking a bit bare and not finished at the end. I think it has to do with the fact that, when we talk about Japanese or Chinese buildings of this style, we always imagine one covered in numerous pretty, circular tiles. As such by the end I might collide a few different styles and end up with something of my own.
Here is a close up of the work
Any comments are much appreciated. Good night from me guys!